Are you getting what you pay for in a new saw? Seneca Saw Works gives you something extra with every saw we sell! Along with the standard guarantee. You get my personal assurance that these saws will perform properly on your mill.
We finish the Seneca Saw Works saw to exacting specifications and close tolerances which exceed industry standards. Let us take the bite out of buying a new saw.
Seneca Saw Works is the one-stop source for all your lumbering needs. We offer a complete line of sales and services.
Learn more about our Sawmiller's Guide to Troubleshooting

The Saw Doctor examining a saw
We offer mill alignment and troubleshooting seminars and training in the field of saw hammering
? Complete line of Headrig and Carbide Saws
? Chipper and Planer Knives
? Saw maintenance tools and Equipment
? Mill Alignment Systems
? Other Mill Supplies
? Troubleshooting
? Consulting
? Saw Hammering
? Saw Welding
? Carbide Grinding
? Planer Knife Grinding